Nettare del Tamburino
Passito Custoza DOC

Nettare del Tamburino
Passito Custoza DOC
Passito Custoza DOC
“Passito di Custoza”, is easily identified by it's high quality. The wine making process involves a late grape harvest (October) from the most suitable vineyards after a selection of the most mature grapes. The withering is done directly on the vineyards with the lympatic shoot pruned. The grapes are than put to rest in plateaux for withering that last for an avarage of 3 months. Maceration is done with th grape skin and is than fermented at controlled temperature. the wine rests for a year in steel barrels and fining takes place i 1 year.
Gilded yellow.
Intense and fruity.
Medium sweet, velvety, harmonious lightly aromatic.
2 to 5 years.
It couples with cheeses of mediom age and aged, perhaps accompanied by jams, honey, mustards and with by any kind of sweet.
To be served at a temperaure of 10-12°C.